Electronic W-2 forms for 2023 are available through Self-Service

Your official 2023 W-2 Form is available via Self-Service by going to Employee, then Tax Information. This is how you will obtain your W-2 if you have consented to receive electronic W-2 forms. Those who consented to receive an electronic W-2 will not receive a hard copy in the mail. If you want a hard copy, you may print one using Self-Service.

If you have not provided consent to receive W-2 statements electronically, your 2023 W-2 form will be mailed via USPS no later than Wednesday, January 31, 2024 unless you provide electronic consent before that date.

To provide consent to receive W-2 Forms electronically, follow these steps:

  1. Login to my.hfcc.edu (or use Self-Service link above).
  2. Select Self-Service at top.
  3. Select the Employee box.
  4. Select the Tax Information box at the top left.
  5. Select Change Preferences.
  6. Select the Circle next to "Receive my W-2 only in electronic format."
  7. Select Save.

For questions or more information, contact either Sandy Cartwright at 313-845-9623 or Dianne Heiss at 313-317-4009. You can also email payroll at [email protected] .